
Placing Text in Plots

get( getOption( "device" ) )()

##  Create the plot. This sets the "usr" coordinates.

plot( 1:10 )

##  par( "usr" ) returns a vector containing xleft, xright, ybottom, ytop.

usr <- par( "usr" )

##  Place the text. Note the use of the adj parameter.
##  Left top corner:

text( usr[ 1 ], usr[ 4 ], "left top",     adj = c( 0, 1 ), col = "blue" )

##  Left bottom corner:

text( usr[ 1 ], usr[ 3 ], "left bottom",  adj = c( 0, 0 ), col = "blue" )

##  Right top corner:

text( usr[ 2 ], usr[ 4 ], "right top",    adj = c( 1, 1 ), col = "blue" )

##  Right bottom corner:

text( usr[ 2 ], usr[ 3 ], "right bottom", adj = c( 1, 0 ), col = "blue" )